
Information posted on this website is intended to help investors and stockholders understand the management policies, plans, and financial condition of JFE Systems, Inc. This information is not a solicitation to invest, including the purchase or sale of shares.

Among our current forward-looking statements, plans, and strategies posted on this website, statements other than past historical facts are based on the judgment of our management based on information current at the time. Thus, they entail a certain element of uncertainty and actual results can differ materially from estimates. We assume no responsibility for damages or losses attributable to use of the posted information on this website.

Note that this website may not contain all information already disclosed to the Stock Exchange, that its content may be different from information already disclosed and further may be changed or removed without prior notice. Even if new information emerges or subsequent events occur, we assume no obligation to update or modify past statements concerning the future.

While we pay careful attention to the content posted here, we make no guarantee of its accuracy or timeliness. We assume no responsibility for any consequences attributable to the posting of incorrect information, data fabrication by third parties, problems in data downloading, or other issues.

Based on an understanding of the above issues, we advise you to make your own decisions after carefully reading the financial statements issued, rather than making investment decisions based solely on these forward-looking statements.